Friday, June 25, 2010

Brazil and Portugal through, Ivory Coast out despite fight

This isn't really a surprise to anyone - or it shouldn't. It was going to take Portugal losing by a few today and Ivory Coast winning by a few today for it to end up any different than it has and we think these games played out exactly how they were always going too.

After twenty minutes however, I thought for a moment it might happen. Ivory Coast were 2-0 up and looking like they wee going to score every ten minutes, but as the nest ten minutes went by ang then the next - it became clear it wasn't going to happen.

But they gave it a go and it was nice to see but the focus for us today was on Brazil and Portugal - hoping we see something from Brazil that would make us think they could win the World Cup and I'm afraid we didn't see it.

Yes, they are Brazil, but they are not eh Brazil we hoped to see in South Africa and while Kaka and Robinho both sat this one out - for different reasons - they haven't really looked that good with them.

We might be wrong - but so far in this tournament, Argentina look like the closest to World Cup winners - certainly not Brazil.

Final Group G Table

Ivory Coast311114
Korea DPR3003-110

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